The Times - Trump election (unfinished)


The Times is a broadsheet that offers a pluralistic view of the American election.

The Times was first published in 1975 and is owned by Rupert Murdoch. This edition was released in the 10th of November 2016 notoriously revealing the results of the election from the previous day. The background of the front cover connotes the patriotism Trump demonstrates in his speeches. The ‘land of opportunity’ is about to become ‘great again’ and according to The Times, a ‘new world’ is about to be established. The Times fails to address what kind of world this would be. Trumps red tie resembles the dominant colour in the American flag while Mike Pence’s tie reflects the complementary colours of the flag. This illustrates their difference in authority.


Additionally, the gesture code of Trumps hand symbolises his recognition in relation to his victory. Pence’s contentment with the results is demonstrated as he is clapping his hands at the new president. It is almost as if he is in awe of Trump. The composition of the front cover also conveys Trump’s authority. Trump is in front of the vice president, looking into the distance, as feeling the glory of his success while Pence is behind the president, focusing all his attention on him portraying his inferiority. Their American badges on their lapel is symbolic of their patriotism and commitment to their country.


The use of the headline: ‘The New World’ invites readers to question the impact of Trump’s presidency and what lies ahead. This may be reiterated through the subheading: ‘sends shockwaves around the Globe’.




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