The Mirror American election - statue of liberty

The denotation of the statue of liberty is showing that she is covering her face with her hands.  The statue represents freedom and the plight of the immigrants who came to America.  The image is implying the shame and embarrassment of civilians for electing a president that contradicts freedom. This is what the editors of the of the Daily Mirror wish to show. Their values, attitudes and beliefs as a left leaning newspaper is therefore demonstrated as Trump is a right wing republican. The opinion of the newspaper is representing Trump’s election as disastrous. The black clouds and desolate background connotes the doom and hellish country Trump will eventually create. The strapline of this front cover adds to the embarrassment the statue feels and it provides a baffling as well as disappointing tone. The subheading is accusatory as it blames the Americans for the destruction Trump will create. The pronoun “you” is assertive and directly addresses those who voted for Trump possibly persuading them to feel guilty and ashamed of themselves.


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