The difference between tabloids and broadsheets.

The difference between tabloids and broadsheets.


- Tabloids are informal and tend to discuss trivial aspects of life including celebrity gossip
- Information is likely to be more opinionated than factual
- Not all information in tabloids can be accounted for
- Tabloids are more likely to appeal to younger generations and people of lower social groupings (C2DE)
- There are large images with large headlines to correspond the images allowing readers to swiftly glance at the front cover and acknowledge what the rest of the content will cover
- There are some comical aspects in tabloids


- Broadsheets are physically bigger than tabloids
- They are more formal and discuss national/international debates and current news
- Most of the content is supported by evidence
-Broadsheets are likely to appeal to highly educated individuals of a higher social group (ABC1). They are also like to appeal to older generations.
- Reports are longer and less pictures are used
-The font is often smaller
- The layout isn't as colourful and infantilised
- The headlines are more serious and are not comical


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